5 Young Adult Books To Read Right Now

The thing about being a book blogger is that so much of my reading time tends to be based around review copies. Sure, there’s plenty to choose from and I can just follow my moods. Sometimes though, I like reading a good risk free, obligation free book. The Map From Here To There by Emery Lord […]

Strange The Dreamer & Muse Of Nightmares

Over a period of about fifteen days – not consecutive, just altogether, I read Laini Taylor’s Strange The Dreamer duo-logy. Ultimately I read it to work on my Netgalley queue zero goal, but my goodness am I glad I did. I forgot just how glorious Taylor’s way with words is. I forgot just how easy it […]

8 Young Adult Books You Might Have Overlooked

One of the best and worst things about being a voracious reader is reading and coming across so many under the radar books. A few of these end up being hits for me and a few are duds. The young adult books below are a mix – a few were simply amazing and some I […]

14 Audiobooks For The YA Superfan

I feel as though we are in a golden age of audiobooks and friends, I am LIVING for it. As a resident young adult book super fan, I have listened to a TON of YA audiobooks and thought maybe this would be a great time to tell you all about them. As you saw in […]

Hibernate With Me by Benjamin Scheuer Illustrated by Jemima Williams

I am so excited to feature Hibernate With Me by Benjamin Scheuer, illustrated by Jemima Williams today on Good Books & Good Wine! Now that I have a child, my eyes are peeled for adorable picture books to read before bed. You see like many other parents out there we read a few books before bed […]

Allison: His Perfect Partner | Priscilla Oliveras | Book Review

His Perfect Partner is a debut novel written by Priscilla Oliveras. It follows the romance of Tomas and Yaz while also introducing us to the dynamic Fernandez family. I picked it up from the library because I thought that it sounded like a solid romance novel based on the blurb on the back. I was […]