If you hand me a stack of young adult graphic novels, chances are, I am going to read them. The storytelling format has always appealed to me. I find young adult graphic novels to be fast reads – well paced, visually interesting, and usually with great stories. Below are three upcoming graphic novels that should […]
3 Young Adult Graphic Novels To Have On Your Radar
The Backups by Alex de Campi | Book Review
Why Did I Read The Backups by Alex de Campi? The Backups by Alex de Campi was a random book picked from my Macmillan reviewer box. Initially I wasn’t sure when I was going to read it, but as it turns out this was the first I read and what a good choice. Part of […]
Be More Chill: The Graphic Novel by Ned Vizzini | Review
Why Did I Read Be More Chill: The Graphic Novel by Ned Vizzini? Previously, I’ve read two books by Ned Vizzini - Teen Angst, Nahhh and The Other Normals. Be More Chill is one of his more famous books, but I’ve not yet read it. The graphic novel adaptation showed up in my mailbox, so I figured it […]
Check, Please! Book 2: Sticks & Scones by Ngozi Ukazu | Graphic Novel Review
Why Did I Read Check, Please: Book 2: Sticks & Scones by Ngozi Ukazu? Ngozi Ukazu has such a fun duology with Check, Please! Book one was sweet and fun and exceeded my expectations. I picked up a copy of Check, Please! Book 2: Sticks & Scones during the campaign to buy more books by Black […]
5 Young Adult Books To Read Right Now
The thing about being a book blogger is that so much of my reading time tends to be based around review copies. Sure, there’s plenty to choose from and I can just follow my moods. Sometimes though, I like reading a good risk free, obligation free book. The Map From Here To There by Emery Lord […]
Sweaterweather by Sara Varon | Book Review
Why Did I Read Sweaterweather? Sweaterweather by Sara Varon has an adorable cover. I’ll admit that I essentially read this graphic novel based on the cover. I liked the purple and I have this thing about deer. So, I absolutely had to read this book. Plus, I read it during a time when there actually […]