5 Contemporary YA Books With Interesting Premises

I love a good premise — like give me that hook and I am there. These five books all caught my attention for a different reason. We have a paranormal contemporary version of Northanger Abbey. There’s a book that asks what happens when a loved one dies by overdose – and you infiltrate her life and […]

5 Young Adult Books To Read Right Now

The thing about being a book blogger is that so much of my reading time tends to be based around review copies. Sure, there’s plenty to choose from and I can just follow my moods. Sometimes though, I like reading a good risk free, obligation free book. The Map From Here To There by Emery Lord […]

The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord | Book Review

The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord is one of those books that reminds me exactly why I 100% love to read contemporary books. This young adult book is an emotional, absorbing, spend all your time in the pages until you are done kind of read. To say I fell in love with Emery […]

Allison: The Start of You and Me | Emery Lord | Book Review

As you all may remember, I loved Emery Lord’s debut novel Open Road Summer. So much so that I forced it into the hands of my best friend with the simple instructions of “I don’t care what else you have going on right now, you MUST read this book.” She did and she loved it. […]

The Start Of Me And You by Emery Lord | Book Review

Immediately after finishing the last page, the last sentence, last word of Emery Lord’s sophomore book The Start of Me And You I had to grab my phone and text and tweet everyone about how this book had made me feel content and full to the brim with positivity. The second book by Emery Lord absolutely […]

Open Road Summer by Emery Lord | Book Review

I am late to the party when it comes to Emery Lord’s debut, Open Road Summer. I think everyone was going wild for this book a few months ago and I don’t even remember what I was doing, but unfortunately it was not reading this book. YOU GUYS! Why did I wait so long to read […]