Hello Authors and Publicists,
It seems you have stumbled upon our book review blog! Perhaps you would like to send us a book for review. As of 9/6/2017, April is strictly limiting the books she accepts for review due to time constraints and also an awesome new baby!
You can contact me with a review request via email, simply remove the parentheses or click the link: goodbooksandgoodwine(@)gmail.com
What We Review:
We prefer to review Young Adult and Middle Grade books of all genres. In addition, we review romance, comic books, adult fiction and fantasy, as well as non fiction. April is beginning to branch out into picture book reviews.
The only thing we really don’t review are Christian-themed books (unless they’re about personal finance and April gets them out of the library) and erotica (unless we’re super curious and it’s become a publishing phenomenon).
Where Do Our Reviews Post?
We post reviews on the blog, on goodreads.com, librarything and to amazon.com where April is a Vine Voice. April post links to reviews on twitter where she has over 9,800 followers. She is @booksandwine.
What Is Our Turn Around Time?:
It depends. Right now, there is no set turn around time.
Do We Participate In Blog Tours?
Yes. If you are doing a blog tour for your book and would like Good Books And Good Wine to be a stop, please email us!
Other Ways We Can Promote Your Book:
We are more than willing to promote your book by hosting interviews and a guest post, as well as giveaways for your book. We are also willing to participate in blog tours. We will never try to sell your book on ebay, but we may give your book away. Remember, people get super excited about giveaways, so they may get super excited about your book. Our current preference is to have publisher or company sponsored giveaways wherein the publisher or the company who wants us to post the giveaway is responsible for shipping the item.
We are honest reviewers, if your book is wonderful we will sing it’s praises. If your book was not so good, we will post why we felt that way in a constructive manner.
Formats We Will Review:
This really depends on which reviewer. April only wants to review e-galleys provided through Netgalley or Edelweiss. The only physical copies she prefers at the moment are of picture books and graphic novels. Allison, Cassie and Josh will update with their preferences later on.
Our Stats:
We don’t use Sitemeter anymore, but we do use Google Analytics to measure our stats.
Any Other Questions?
For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Please direct your email greeting to whomever you want to review your book – April, Allison, Cassie or Josh. Again, the email is goodbooksandgoodwine@gmail.comÂ
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