Allison: Stripped | Edie Harris | Book Review

Randomly stumbling upon a giveaway on twitter is honestly one of my favorite things to do. And that is exactly what happened a couple of weeks ago when I saw someone retweeted a tweet from author Edie Harris where she was giving away copies of her new e-book Stripped to a select few who replied […]

The Camp | Karice Bolton | Book Review

Why Did I Read The Camp by Karice Bolton? Friends, one of my favorite settings in fiction is summer camp. I legitimately cannot get enough of it as a former camper myself. ESPECIALLY over the summer. So when a good friend was running the tour for this book, I decided to read Karice Bolton’s The Camp […]

A Laird For All Time Angeline Fortin Book Review

Are you looking for a cheap historical romance to help you pass the time? Especially if it’s one that has plenty of sexy times? Well, I have just the book for you! A Laird For All Time by Angeline Fortin is pretty lengthy but it is also a relatively quick self-published read. It is a […]

Where You Are Review Tammara Webber

A Forewarning From Allison: There will be SPOILERS in this review! If you have not read Between The Lines, read ahead at your own risk! Or just click this LINK! When we last saw the cast of School Pride, filming had wrapped up and they were beginning to go their separate ways. Now they are […]

Between The Lines Review Tammara Webber

THIS IS AN ALLISON REVIEW, Y’ALL <3 What happens when an inexperienced young actress crosses paths with the hottest most popular young actor in Hollywood? Fireworks! Emma Pierce never thought she would make it in Hollywood but a one-chance audition for the lead role in a high school version of Pride and Prejudice led her […]

DNF Review of Defenders of the Scroll by Shiraz

Let me preface this by saying I was very hesitant to do a review, but after speaking with fellow bloggers and authors in a chatzy, I have decided to go forward with this review, since a part of blogging is honesty and straight-forwardness. I really wanted to like and enjoy Defenders of the Scroll, honest-to-God, […]