The Deal by Elle Kennedy came into my mailbox along with the rest of the Off Campus series and that was just the push I needed to read this book. Also? Spicy Booktok has kind of convinced me to try more spicy books even though typically that is NOT my wheelhouse. Once I realized this book […]
The Deal by Elle Kennedy | Book Review
The Throwback List by Lily Anderson | Book Review

After reading The Throwback List, I only have one Lily Anderson book left to read and so I am now saving it for a special occasion. As it turns out, I enjoyed The Throwback List just as much as the other books I’ve read by Anderson. It only took me a few pages to be drawn […]
Yolk by Mary H.K. Choi | Book Review

Yolk by Mary H.K. Choi really slaps. I had no idea what I was really getting into when I started it, but wow, I am blown away. FYI, this is a really heavy book, so be sure you are in the headspace for that going into it. I was drawn to Yolk by the bright yellow […]
Trusting Liam by Molly McAdams | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Trusting Liam by Molly McAdams? Trusting Liam by Molly McAdams is a book that I am one of the least likely people to read, given how much I did not love Taking Chances. However, apparently pregnancy does things to your brain and so, I picked this one up out of the […]
Crash by Nicole Williams | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Crash by Nicole Williams? Crash by Nicole Williams is the first in a trilogy that has been sitting on my bookshelves forever. As you may or may not know, I am prioritizing reading books on my shelves and getting them off my shelves and into the donate bin this year. As […]
Facade by Nyrae Dawn | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Facade by Nyrae Dawn? Facade by Nyrae Dawn is a book that I grabbed off of Netgalley when I was going through a New Adult reading phase. Do not get me twisted, I still really enjoy reading New Adult books. However, I just am not reading them quite as much now […]