After reading The Throwback List, I only have one Lily Anderson book left to read and so I am now saving it for a special occasion. As it turns out, I enjoyed The Throwback List just as much as the other books I’ve read by Anderson. It only took me a few pages to be drawn […]
The Throwback List by Lily Anderson | Book Review
October 8, 2021
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, Book Review, Contemporary, Lily Anderson, New Adult
The Only Thing Worse Than Me Is You by Lily Anderson | Book Review
June 30, 2016

I sincerely regret not reading The Only Thing Worse Than Me Is You by Lily Anderson sooner. I mean, I was on the blog tour for it but because I am a terrible blogger, I had no idea what my tour date was and did not bother to ask. So maybe, I am the you that […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Contemporary, Lily Anderson, St. Martin's Press, Young Adult