Vampires Never Get Old: Tales With Fresh Bite edited by Zoraida Cordova and Natalie C. Parker features different stories taking on pieces of mythology and lore that surround vampires. I thought this was a cool way to try out different authors who I haven’t really read before. Also, I loved that this book featured characters and […]
From Bad To Cursed by Lana Harper | Book Review
I love spooky season reading. I think one of my new annual traditions is picking up a book by Lana Harper. From Bad To Cursed is the second book in the Witches of Thistle Grove series. This story was such an excellent way to delve into the season. Although it isn’t set during autumn, it still […]
Invisible Inkling: Dangerous Pumpkins Emily Jenkins Book Review
Friends, I have Halloween fever. Seriously, every time I go to the store I want to buy all of the holiday things. I also want to read all of the Halloween books and review them. Lucky for me, some are super short, super fun and fit perfectly into my schedule. Invisible Inkling: Dangerous Pumpkins by Emily […]
YA Spooktacular 2011: The Corn Stalker
YOU GUYS!! It’s Halloween, Halloween, Halloween LA LA LA! Which could only mean that it’s time for YA Spooktacular where YA authors and YA bloggers join their forces for evil and create tales of TERROR! I have the distinct pleasure of hosting FRIGHTFULLY GOOD author Jessica Spotswood (BORN WICKED out Feb 2012)