Little Peach by Peggy Kern infuriated me. It depressed me. Little Peach moved me. You know how some books can pack so much emotion into so few pages that an hour after you finish, you are left reeling still? That was definitely my life after reading Peggy Kern’s Little Peach during the 24 in 48 readathon. This […]
Little Peach by Peggy Kern | Book Review
Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway | Book Review

I have never met a Robin Benway book that I didn’t like — and you guys, I have read every single one of her books, except for her bit in Dear Teen Me. Emmy & Oliver, Benway’s latest publisher by Harper, continues that tradition. Her books are for people that want YA with substance but at the […]
The Devil You Know by Trish Doller | Book Review

I am pretty positive that it might be impossible for me to dislike a Trish Doller book. Whether she’s writing about soldiers, or kidnapped girls returned home, or girls with wanderlust, I am absolutely a fan of Doller’s. The Devil You Know is her latest book and it is superb. I read this book over a […]
Hello, Goodbye, And Everything In Between by Jennifer E. Smith | Book Review

I love that I can always count on Jennifer E. Smith’s books for an adorable, romantic read that will give me ALL OF THE FEELS. When approved for Hello, Goodbye, And Everything In Between, I was SO EXCITED OMG. SO EXCITED. Because I knew that all of the feels were about to happen. My instincts as […]
One by Sarah Crossan | Book Review

If I told you I just got sucked into a verse book about conjoined twins, you would probably look at me like I was smoking something. I will admit, I’ve not always been one to be interested in things like conjoined twins. There’s just something kind of voyeuristic about even thinking on that, to me, […]
The Fill In Boyfriend by Kasie West | Book Review

The Fill In Boyfriend by Kasie West has turned me into a heart eyes emoji. I actually had to wander over to twitter after reading and proclaim my love to the entire world and then describe how I want a new Kiersten White book like right now because she’s mentioned in the acknowledgments and omg […]