Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway | Book Review

I have never met a Robin Benway book that I didn’t like — and you guys, I have read every single one of her books, except for her bit in Dear Teen Me. Emmy & Oliver, Benway’s latest publisher by Harper, continues that tradition. Her books are for people that want YA with substance but at the […]

Going Rogue by Robin Benway | Book Review

Spies are kind of the best. No, seriously, I love reading books about girl spies. I love it when girls do fun and exciting and daring things in books. Going Rogue by Robin Benway, sequel to Also Known As is all about girls doing daring things and I love it. Benway’s latest book called to me as […]

An Overdue Recap of Triple Threat Tour AND A Giveaway

You guys, in my effort to declutter, I realized that I had a pile of six signed books that I NEVER gave away. How nuts is that? And I have three pages of notes from the tour stop at Oblong Books sitting in my notebook and several photos hanging out on my phone. About a year […]

Also Known As | Robin Benway | Book Review

I am solidly in the camp that as an author, Robin Benway can do no wrong. Also Known As was the third book I’ve read by Benway, and like her previous two it was an absolute hit with me. Also? Holy moly I was clicking the pages so fast (I read this on my Kindle on […]

Review of The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, And June by Robin Benway

April, May, and June Stephenson are sisters with magical powers. April, the oldest, can see the future, May goes invisible, and June, the youngest can read minds. The girls must decide what purpose they will use their powers for. Full of humor, wit, and sibling rivalry, Robin Benway’s sophomore novel is made of win. I […]

Review of Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway

Why, oh why did I wait so long to read Audrey, Wait? Despite having Audrey, Wait by Robin Benway on my shelf since November, I sort of avoided reading this book. It took some goading from Twitter to get me to crack Audrey, Wait! open. Thank goodness I did, because Audrey, Wait! is made of […]