The Boy In The Black Suit by Jason Reynolds | Book Review

The Boy In  The Black Suit is the second book I’ve read that has been authored by Jason Reynolds. Each time, each book of his I read, I am blown away by his solid, quiet writing and portrayal of life. Make no mistake, I think that Reynolds is going to be an author that you […]

The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick? A few years ago, back when getting a review copy from Penguin Young Readers was like cracking the Rosetta Stone code, I had somehow, magically, managed to get my hands upon the most epic package in my life — receiving that package […]

Liars, Inc. by Paula Stokes | Book Review

Writers who are versatile with their writing are kind of my favorite. Thus, it stands to measure that Paula Stokes is among my favorite authors. She’s gone from historical fantasy under a pen name to contemporary with finesse. The next undertaking by Paula Stokes that I’ve read is Liars, Inc. another book in a different genre. Liars, […]

Lock & Mori by Heather W. Petty | Book Review

YOU GUYS! Okay, so, I do not watch the BBC version of Sherlock because I am terrible about watching things – I always feel so guilty when I look at my stacks on stacks of books. However, what I do love is when books put a modern spin on public domain stories. So – I […]

Astray by Amy Christine Parker | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? A few years ago I read and loved Gated by Amy Christine Parker. It is this awesome book about this girl named Lyla who lives in a Community that is run by this man named Pioneer who insists that the outside world is evil and so the Community keeps […]

How To Say I Love You Out Loud by Karole Cozzo | Book Review

How To Say I Love You Out Loud by Karole Cozzo is a sweet, adorable, quiet young adult contemporary book. Of course, it is part of the Swoon Reads imprint which I love with maybe one exception that proves the rule. Cozzo’s debut is one that I sped through as the story felt relevant to […]