If You Find Me | Emily Murdoch | Book Review

When Wendy Darling recommends a book specifically to you, you pay attention and take notes. Y’all, Wendy was like hey I am doing this blog tour thing and I think you’d totally like the book. SHE WAS SO RIGHT, OMG. Y’all, I found myself loving If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch and thinking about it […]

Eleanor & Park | Rainbow Rowell | Book Review

Oh, you guys. YOU GUYS. I’m head over heels swooning over Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell, just like Gayle Forman’s blurb said I would. I’m trying super hard to come up with the perfect words to convey with this book was totally radical, but I can’t. I’m having brain freeze over how great this book […]

Uses For Boys Erica Lorraine Scheidt Book Review

I think the majority of my feelings about the books I read come down to timing — how I am feeling, the book I’ve read just before, the weather, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, I cannot help but compare my current reads to my previous read, especially if the books have similar themes and […]

Stormdancer Jay Kristoff Book Review

Perhaps the thing that stuck with me the most after reading Jay Kristoff’s Stormdancer is that I would like an arashitora – a half eagle, half tiger- of my very own. In all seriousness though, Stormdancer is a powerful read about rising up against oppression set against the backdrop of a fictional land called Shima that may […]

Miles From Ordinary Carol Lynch Williams Book Review

Miles From Ordinary by Carol Lynch Williams is an incredibly short book, one of those reads you could easily finish in an afternoon, with short chapters as well. I thought that Miles From Ordinary was one of those books that could pass as either middle grade or young adult. It opens with fourteen year old protagonist […]

This Is Not A Test Courtney Summers Book Review

Courtney Summers has magical powers. No, really, she does. When I read her books, I forget to breathe because I am so caught up and invested in the lives of her characters. This Is Not A Test taught me to not pigeon hole great authors. Because, you guys, Summers writes GREAT contemporary, so I was like, oh […]