Nevernight by Jay Kristoff | Book Review

I am so late to the party when it comes to Nevernight by Jay Kristoff. It turns out that I absolutely loved this book. Now I should provide the caveat that while I read this, just about around the time I was really getting absorbed into Nevernight there was a twitter thread I think about a certain character’s […]

The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi

I have wanted to read The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi from the minute I heard about it. In fact, it made my list of Top Ten 2016 Debuts That I Am HYPED About. After reading The Star-Touched Queen, I can totally vouch that it was 100 percent worthy of being on my hype list. I read this […]

All The Rage by Courtney Summers | Book Review

Sometimes I am skeptical about “issues” books. I get annoyed that they take on this preachy, holier than thou tone and then at the end, everything is magically resolved. Actually, they remind me of those after school specials that used to be on TV. What Courtney Summers does is write about issues, but she does […]

My True Love Gave To Me: Twelve Holiday Stories edited by Stephanie Perkins | Book Review

I am such a sucker for Christmas and holiday themed stories. I guess you can say that I am an easy mark. When I first saw the cover for My True Love Gave To Me: Twelve Holiday Stories edited by Stephanie Perkins, I immediately wanted to read it. I had not even seen the star studded […]

Landline by Rainbow Rowell | Book Review

There is something that Rainbow Rowell just seems to innately get about relationships. After reading Eleanor & Park, Fangirl, and now Landline, I am convinced that Rowell is the master of writing about intimacy and its myriad forms. I’ve seen Rowell’s latest, Landline, described as being akin to a romantic comedy but personally, the book […]

Kinslayer | Jay Kristoff | Book Review

It can be a little hard going from young adult to adult steampunk fantasy, especially when you are used to the large print and snappy pacing of young adult books. Thankfully Jay Kristoff masterfully bridges the gap with his Lotus War series which honestly crosses over quite well. Kinslayer, the sequel to Stormdancer is a very adult […]