If a book is being pitched as having inspiration from Sailor Moon, I am absolutely going to read it. If it is a book written by S. Jae-Jones, I am going to read it. Ami is the second book in the Guardians of Dawn series, following Zhara. What a follow up it is! The story picks […]
Ami by S. Jae-Jones | Book Review
January 19, 2025
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Fantasy, multicultural, S. Jae-Jones, St. Martin's Press, strong women, Wednesday Books, Young Adult
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones | Book Review
February 8, 2017

Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones is exactly the sort of book you want to read on a deep, dark winter night while snow is falling steadily. Once I saw the cover and read the summary for this book, I could not resist reading it. I opened it up on my Kindle and as expected, the pages […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Fantasy, S. Jae-Jones, St. Martin's, Young Adult