You’re The One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher has such a beautiful cover. I mean, I am a fan of covers with pinks and blues that are illustrated. It kind of looks like a lot of covers of British contemporary romance books. Let’s just say that I AM HERE FOR THIS. It is too […]
You’re The One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher | Book Review
Pride And Prejudice And Mistletoe by Melissa De La Cruz | Book Review

Pride And Prejudice And Mistletoe by Melissa De La Cruz by all rights should probably be my favorite Christmas themed romance of the year. It has this gorgeous cover. The origin story is one that I know and love, only with Darcy and Elizabeth gender swapped. This book just fell kind of really short of […]
A Bella Flora Christmas by Wendy Wax | Novella Review

A Bella Flora Christmas by Wendy Wax is a SUPER quick Christmas novella that I read entirely out of context. This novella is part of a larger series called Ten Beach Road. I have read basically none of the other books in the series. I will say that did affect my perception of this novella […]
Emerald Coast by Anita Hughes | Book Review

Emerald Coast by Anita Hughes is the sort of book that isn’t in my typical wheelhouse, but that I like. Still, I don’t often pursue women’s contemporary fiction. I guess that’s because I have so much other things on my shelf to read. Friends, I regret this. Emerald Coast by Anita Hughes was SUCH a page turner. […]
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones | Book Review

Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones is exactly the sort of book you want to read on a deep, dark winter night while snow is falling steadily. Once I saw the cover and read the summary for this book, I could not resist reading it. I opened it up on my Kindle and as expected, the pages […]
Summer Days & Summer Nights edited by Stephanie Perkins | Book Review

Another year, another seasonally themed short story anthology edited by Stephanie Perkins. Summer Days & Summer Nights is an anthology of twelve stories containing summer loving, in which some people are having a blast and some people are not. For the most part, I liked this anthology. There were maybe two stories that I wasn’t head […]