The Lies That Bind by Lisa and Laura Roecker

Typically I would start this review off by saying OMG OMG look away, spoilers for book one, but as I have like the worst memory ever lately I will just straight up say NO WORRIES because I don’t remember all of the spoilers and secrets for The Liar Society. However, if you are terrified of being […]

Mira’s Diary: Lost In Paris Marissa Moss Book Review

I think time travel books are really starting to grow on me, in that I actively seek them out. Mira’s Diary: Lost In Paris by Marissa Moss first caught my attention at BEA 2012 when I went to the Young Adult And Middle Grade Author Buzz panel. I thought the concept seemed cool because I like reading […]

While He Was Away Karen Schrek Book Review

It seems like the new trend in contemporary YA is to focus on the military, which to be honest, I find really cool. With Iraq and Afghanistan, lots of young adults are signing up for the military today and I think this crop of books really will speak to the experience of those people and […]

Review: The Liar Society by Lisa And Laura Roecker

I wish more books had characters with pink hair who rocked pearls. Really, I do. I’ve always wanted pink hair ever since that one contestant on Rock of Love had that awesome pink hair. I know, I know, trashy reality show. BUT, pink hair is awesome, kind of like Kate Lowry, heroine of The Liar […]

Rolling In The AWESOME: A Guest Vlog Featuring Lisa And Laura Roecker

I am pretty sure Liar Society by Lisa And Laura Roecker is not a book that could’ve have it all, but a book that does have it all (minus unicorns and vampires.). Today I’d like to shut my mouth and welcome Lisa and Laura to my blog, as it’s my day for THE BLOG TOUR […]

Vlog Review: Read, Recommend, Remember For Teens by Rachelle Rogers Knight

So,  I thought a vlog would be a better way to review Read, Recommend, Remember For Teens by Rachelle Rogers Knight, as it is so visual. The book is divided into different sections: Awards And Notable Lists, To Read, Journal Pages, Recommendations, Loaner Lists, Resources Yes, that is Billy Joel in the background. That’s how […]