So Close To You Rachel Carter Book Review

Conspiracy theories are the best. Although their biggest adherents often look like crackpots, I’d put a good conspiracy right up there with my fascination for cults. Rachel Carter delves into the Montauk Project with her debut So Close To You, a young adult time travel romance. Many years ago, main character Lydia Bentley’s great grandfather, Dean, disappeared […]

First Day On Earth Cecil Castellucci Book Review

As much as I harp on about not liking science fiction, I think I subconsciously love it. Seriously, I tore through First Day On Earth by Cecil Castellucci, which okay, reads more like a contemporary young adult book than hard science fiction. But you know what? For a reader like me that is perfect. Mal […]

Across The Universe Beth Revis Book Review

“I never thought about how important the sky was until I didn’t have one…” I was captivated by the premise of Across The Universe by Beth Revis from the first time I picked it up while book shopping at a soon-to-be closing local bookstore. The two quotes on the back cover of the hardcover edition just seemed […]

The Host Stephanie Meyer Retro Friday Book Review

Retro Friday Book Reviews are hosted by Angieville. Basically on Fridays you review an older or underrated book. You guys, I kind of want to make fun of myself because I read The Host by Stephanie Meyer  and actually enjoyed it. I know, I know. I am very proud of myself for keeping an open […]

Cinder Marissa Meyer Book Review

Boom, Marissa Meyer  just threw down the gauntlet. Cinder is a unique and an enchanting take on the Cinderella fairytale. Seriously, it is completely different from ANY fairy tale retelling I’ve EVER read before.

Gone Michael Grant Book Review

Twitter is SO persuasive when it comes to choosing what book to read. With some prodding from Melina and HD, I picked up Gone by Michael Grant which is the first in a series where everyone over the age of 15 disappears and the kids are left to deal with the fall out. I am on […]