Why Did I Listen To This Book? Ever since listening to How To Fight Presidents, I have had a little bit of a side interest in the Presidents. Thomas Jefferson: President And Philosopher by Jon Meacham presented itself to me, basically, and well, riding that whole high from How To Fight Presidents, I listened to it, way later, […]
Thomas Jefferson: President and Philosopher by Jon Meacham | Audiobook Review
The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm is a very short audiobook, clocking in at 3 hours and 3 minutes. I decided this would be a great palate cleanser audiobook between longer listens. It would get me through one weekend commute to the boyfriend’s house. Furthermore, the story […]
The Sleep Book by Dr. Seuss | Book Review

I feel so fortunate that I grew up with Dr. Seuss. It was a more wonderful than wonderful childhood – with themed days at school, that excellent Christmas special where being a Grinch has entered our lexicon, and then finally, my bits of leadership were memorialized by Oh The Places You’ll Go. I cannot imagine being […]
Hot Body Year Round by Cassey Ho | Book Review

Not gonna lie, I worship at the altar of Cassey Ho. I first came across her when doing a fitness challenge with some friends using a closed Facebook group for accountability. Someone posted the Call Me Maybe Squats Song Challenge and I was hooked on the positivity of Cassey Ho and her fun routines set […]
Comic Contributor Corner | The Harlem Hellfighters by Max Brooks

World War One or the Great War as it used to be known, is a time in our history that has been so overshadowed by the wars of today and World War II that many Americans cannot name a single battle. While the Battle of the Bulge, Fallujah, and Operation Anaconda are talked about in […]
Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? For some bizarre reason, I had assumed that Sophie Kinsella’s Finding Audrey would have something to do with Audrey Hepburn (QUEEN). Alas, it actually has nothing at all to do with Audrey Hepburn. Despite this, I actually ended up really liking Finding Audrey. I actually am glad that I […]