Stone Rider by debut author David Hofmeyr is one of those books that I would honestly use the phrase high octane for, cliche as it may sound. This is a book that is all thriller no filler, if you know what I mean. Stone Rider is the sort of book that I would hand to a […]
Stone Rider by David Hofmeyr | Book Review
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon | Book Review
“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.†― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince It seems completely appropriate to begin a review of debut author Nicola Yoon’s Everything, Everything with a quote from her main character Madeline Whittier’s favorite book, The Little Prince. Everything, Everything is the kind […]
Uprooted by Naomi Novick | Book Review

Naomi Novick’s Uprooted is wholly original and yet feels staunchly rooted and steeped in tradition. Drawn to Uprooted by the various glowing reviews from my favorite authors, I picked up Novick’s latest release and spent days savoring it. I did not rip through this book because it’s the kind that demands you take your time and absorb the […]
Nightbird by Alice Hoffman | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? You guys! I always think that I am super well read but then I come across books by mega super star authors that I have not read and realize, whoa, I am not nearly as well read as I thought I was. Alice Hoffman is one of those […]
Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? I feel like it has been forever since Seraphina by Rachel Hartman came out. At least, forever in book blogger years. The wait for Shadow Scale, the sequel has felt interminable. I went about listening to the audiobook because Mandy Williams is a narrator that I do not often listen […]
Red Rising by Pierce Brown | Book Review

Part of taking vacation for me at least is choosing to read books that I have not yet made time for but am DESPERATE to get to. Chief among that is LONG books with lots of world building and story line and action. The very last book I read on vacation, that I finished just […]