The Girl At Midnight by Melissa Grey | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? The Girl At Midnight by Melissa Grey has one of the most eye catching, beautiful book covers that I have seen in a long time. The purple perfectly contrasts with the white shading and there’s the night sky. Plus there is the outline of the bird and the […]

5 To 1 by Holly Bodger | Book Review + Giveaway

I love reading books where the story feels completely new and not like the same thing over and over and over again. Holly Bodger’s 5 To 1 is one of those books where I feel like the concept is totally unique and where I feel as though there is something special about the book I am […]

The Psychopath Whisperer: The Science Of Those Without Conscience by Kent A. Kiehl | Book Review

There are some subjects and topics that absolutely captivate me. I just find the subject so interesting that I will read whatever book on it. When The Psychopath Whisperer: The Science Of Those Without Conscience by Kent A. Kiehl, PhD crossed my email path, I absolutely knew that I had to obtain a copy of it […]

Mitosis by Brandon Sanderson | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Audiobook? It’s a Brandon Sanderson story, so Mitosis, a short story set between Steelheart and Firefight is bound to be good. Also? This was free on Audible and a little over an hour long and makes the perfect listen while I am contemplating my next full length audiobook. What’s The Story Here? […]

Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? You know how Audible keeps advertising the same books to you over and over and over again? And then a movie is made out of the book that Audible keeps advertising to you? And then finally it’s like FINE YOU WIN AUDIBLE AND THE UNIVERSE! And you give […]

Fifty Shades Of Grey by EL James | Book Review

YOU GUYS! I did it! I gave into the hype! I read Fifty Shades Of Grey by EL James on Valentine’s day weekend, right as the movie was releasing. Y’all, this was my first Valentine’s Day as a single person in a really long time (it was awesome though, so no pity, like it was seriously […]