Why Did I Listen To This Book? A few years ago I read and loved Gated by Amy Christine Parker. It is this awesome book about this girl named Lyla who lives in a Community that is run by this man named Pioneer who insists that the outside world is evil and so the Community keeps […]
Astray by Amy Christine Parker | Audiobook Review
August 12, 2015
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Amy Christine Parker, audiobook, Book Review, Contemporary, Random House, strong women, Young Adult
Gated | Amy Christine Parker | Book Review
August 22, 2013

Y’all, there is never a time in my life where I would say no to an interesting, traditionally published book featuring cults. For serious, like one time Christina recommended an adult fiction cult book to me and I read the heck out of it. When I saw Gated by Amy Christine Parker on Netgalley, the description basically […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: 2013 Debut, Amy Christine Parker, Book Review, Contemporary, Random House, Young Adult