The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes? Coincidentally, an audiobook review copy of The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes hit my inbox right around the same time that my hold for the hardcover came in at the library. Knowing that I had other obligation books to get to, but also […]

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes | Book Review

I love that Jennifer Lynn Barnes is such a prolific writer – spanning all different sorts of YA types. It is awesome that her books do NOT consist of recycled plots. I was extremely excited for The Inheritance Games because the plot summary gave me The Westing Game vibes. Luckily, JLB delivered on my expectations, in fact, […]

The Naturals | Jennifer Lynn Barnes | Book Review

I swear, this must be the year where all the young adult books of genres that I think I don’t like come out and prove me wrong. Like, I am not much of a fan of reading thriller type books, even though I will totally always watch Law & Order and Castle and those sort […]

Every Other Day Jennifer Lynn Barnes Book Review

Every Other Day, Kali is human, until dawn hits, then she turns into something OTHER — a hunter with enhanced senses and strengths. You see, the world in Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ Every Other Day is built on an intriguing premise. Instead of discovering giant turtles, Darwin discovers preternatural creatures. The stupid government decides to protect the […]