Dragonbreath Lair Of The Bat Monster by Ursula Vernon is the fourth book in the Dragonbreath graphic novel series aimed at middle grader
The Rise And Fall Of Mount Majestic by Jennifer Trafton Book Review
In The Rise And Fall Of Mount Majestic by Jennifer Trafton 10 year old Persimmony Smudge dreams of adventures and a life bigger than her daily drudgery of sweeping the house. Lucky for her she just so happens to over hear a secret that will lead to her having adventures! The safe and wonderful Island At The Center Of Everything is not so safe and wonderful.
Chime by Franny Billingsley Book Review
Chime was my first Franny Billingsley book, but it definitely won’t be my last. If you are looking for a lush, old-meets-modern folk tale full of magic and plot twists, I cannot recommend Chime highly enough.
Not Your Typical Grief Book
The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson is not your typical grief book. It’s completely devoid of purple prose, none of this ‘heart shattering in a million pieces, never ending tears’ BS. Rather, The Sky Is Everywhere is full of genuine heart and emotion.