I used to be really intimidated by books that are in verse. You see, I thought maybe I wouldn’t like them as they didn’t follow typical prose structure. Yet as it turns out, once I gave them a shot, I was hooked. These five books are excellent for anyone looking to dip a toe into […]
5 Verse Books For Beginners
5 Young Adult Books To Read Right Now

The thing about being a book blogger is that so much of my reading time tends to be based around review copies. Sure, there’s plenty to choose from and I can just follow my moods. Sometimes though, I like reading a good risk free, obligation free book. The Map From Here To There by Emery Lord […]
Deep Dark Blue by Polo Tate | Book Review

Why Did I Read Deep Dark Blue by Polo Tate? Deep Dark Blue by Polo Tate is one of those books that stands out simply because we are in the age of #MeToo. Tate’s voice is such an important part of the conversation. For me, personally, I find it important to read memoirs of women […]
Tomboy by Liz Prince | Graphic Memoir Review

I read Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir by Liz Prince because I am such a huge fan of graphic novel memoirs. I used to really be into reading memoirs, but don’t seem to have the time for them anymore, and so graphic novels are a nice way to be able to fit them in. Furthermore, I like it when books deal with things like gender constructs and society’s expectations of people. So, the subject matter of Prince’s memoir seemed really interesting. It sounded like a smart and thoughtful graphic memoir.