I am Setsuna I was lucky enough to snag tickets to go to Pax East 2016 in Boston, MA from April 22nd-24th. If you are unfamiliar, Pax East is a convention similar to Comic Con but with a primary focus on video games and tabletop games. Being that I’m a big Kingdom Hearts, Life is […]
Cassie: I am Setsuna Demo
Cassie: Deadpool by Daniel Way Volume 1

Why Did IÂ Read Deadpool by Daniel Way: The Complete Collection – Volume 1? I can’t remember what movie I went to watch, but I ended up seeing a preview for Deadpool back in the summer. I’ve never been a huge superhero movie fan, but I’ve seen a lot of them with my boyfriend. For the […]
Cassie: NYCC – Let Me Hear You Scream Panel

If you guys haven’t been following along on social media, Good Books and Good Wine hit up New York Comic Con this year in New York City! I attended Thursday, Friday and Saturday. By mid-day Saturday, I was all conned out and felt that I had done what I needed to do. And thus I skipped […]
Cassie: Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver | Book Review

First off, I am a HUGE Lauren Oliver fan. I’ve met her a few times and she is always funny and endearing. Before I Fall is one of the only books that I’ve read multiple times. Naturally, Vanishing Girls was a must-read for me. The book follows two very distinct characters, twins Dara and Nick. […]
Cassie: The Program by Suzanne Young | Book Review

I’m so sorry for my recent hiatus. It’s been too, too long! Since my last post, I quit my job of 2.5 years, started a new job, moved in with my boyfriend and traveled to Mexico!As such, I haven’t been reading much lately. My Mexico trip changed that! Our flights from Cabo back to NY […]
Cassie: I was Here by Gayle Forman | Book Review

Have you ever wondered what the best part of having a book blogging sister is? Well, there are two great things about it. #1: being introduced to the book blogging community! Everyone is so nice and welcoming. I love chatting about books! #2: getting ARCS from my favorite authors! I’m so grateful that April let […]