The Sisters of Good Books and Good Wine go Running!

For the first time in our 23 years of being sisters, April and I are doing a 5k together this weekend! In fact, this will be April’s first 5k race EVER and my fourth. We’re both relatively new to the running scene, training off and on for the past year or so. I don’t think either […]

Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult | Book Review

If there is one bookish thing you should know about me, it’s that I’m a long-time Jodi Picoult fan. I remember walking through my middle school library and seeing My Sister’s Keeper on a shelf. For whatever reason, I was intrigued and picked it up. Thus began my obsession. Naturally, when I decied I was […]

Falling Into Place | Amy Zhang | Book Review

I was lucky enough to have picked this book up at BEA. I had some extra time and waited in the autograph line for Amy Zhang. It was a little awkward because I didn’t know what to say. I hadn’t read it before and was picking it up purely based on reviews I had read. Regardless, […]

The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson | Book Review

I remember reading about this on a few blogs and dying to get my hands on it. The premise sounded great and like something I would really enjoy. Unfortunately, I had been trying not to buy new books lately since I have so many unread in my apartment, and so I did not get it […]

I’m Going to BEA!

I just looked at my calendar and realized that I leave for BEA in 3 weeks! One of my best friends lives in Manhattan, so I’m leaving for NYC on friday the 23rd to spend a long weekend with her before the conference. On Tuesday the 27th, I will meet up with April and Allison […]

Live Through This | Mindi Scott

This book has been on my wishlist for a long time after seeing other bloggers’ reviews on it. However, I could never find it at local book shops and I don’t order books online very often. Thus, I am just getting this book in my hands now after a thoughtful stranger sent it to me […]