Miranda Kenneally’s Racing Savannah is off to the horse races — literally. This entry into the Hundred Oaks series is about Savannah, a girl whose family is involved in the world of horse racing – but on the domestic side of things. On the whole, I really enjoyed this book and am glad I picked it to […]
Racing Savannah by Miranda Kenneally | Book Review
Allison: Burning For You | Michele Dunaway | Book Review

Walking through the fire Please don’t let me go. Take me to the river I need you to know I’m burnin’ up Come put me out Come and put me out -Jessie J Is it cliché to start a review off with the song Burnin’ Up when the book you’re reviewing involves a fireman main […]
The Truth Commission by Susan Juby | Book Review

When I was an actual young adult read: high schooler I used to go to the library all the time. Also I had this weird obsession with reading books with main characters named Alice — thanks to Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. I borrowed Alice, I Think by Susan Juby from the library and after reading it and […]
Allison: The Start of You and Me | Emery Lord | Book Review

As you all may remember, I loved Emery Lord’s debut novel Open Road Summer. So much so that I forced it into the hands of my best friend with the simple instructions of “I don’t care what else you have going on right now, you MUST read this book.†She did and she loved it. […]
Allison: Four Weeks Till Forever | Nadia Lee | Book Review

In many ways, Four Weeks Till Forever by Nadia Lee is a modern day Cinderella. You’ve got a woman with a horrible past and a man who is a billionaire and who has yet to find the right woman to settle down with. There is also a very uncinderella fact though and that is that […]
The Chapel Wars by Lindsey Leavitt | Book Review

The thing that I love about books by Lindsey Leavitt is that I know they are going to be about just plain nice and good people. That might sound a little bit derogatory, but stop judging. I mean it in the best possible way. Like, I love that she writes these characters that come across […]