Immediately after finishing the last page, the last sentence, last word of Emery Lord’s sophomore book The Start of Me And You I had to grab my phone and text and tweet everyone about how this book had made me feel content and full to the brim with positivity. The second book by Emery Lord absolutely […]
The Start Of Me And You by Emery Lord | Book Review
Allison: Here Without You | Tammara Webber | Book Review

When I first heard that Here Without You, the final book in the Between The Lines series by Tammara Webber, would primarily focus on the characters of Brooke, Reid, and Dori I was admittedly nervous. While Reid had grown on me throughout the series going from a rich, carefree playboy to a young man who […]
Allison: Good For You | Tammara Webber | Book Review

A couple of years ago, I found myself hooked on the Between The Lines series by Tammara Webber. The series followed the characters Emma, Graham, Reid, and Brooke as they starred in a major Hollywood high school take on Pride and Prejudice. In the first two books, the relationship between Emma and Graham is the […]
Allison: Wildlife | Fiona Wood | Book Review

This week, I read Wildlife by Fiona Wood. It was a book that had been on my radar for quite some time so when I saw it on the shelf at my local library I couldn’t resist the opportunity to borrow it. Why was it on my radar? First of all, it’s set in Australia […]
Rebound by Noelle August | Book Review

I haven’t really been into the blogging community in awhile so I am not entirely sure if everyone is still all ‘we don’t like new adult’ etc. In any case, the Boomerang books by Noelle August aka Veronica Rossi and Lorin Oberweger are a breath of fresh air in the genre. They aren’t dreary, depressing reads. Instead, […]
The Prince Of Venice Beach by Blake Nelson | Book Review

I won’t lie, I read The Prince Of Venice Beach by Blake Nelson because it was the shortest book in my Netgalley queue and because for some odd reason I thought it would be a fun, fast lighthearted beach read. Apparently my expectations were way off base because this book was anything but lighthearted. That’s not […]