Stacking The Shelves (73) | October 2014 Book Haul

Goodness, it has been such a busy few days. Over the past two weeks I have worked over 90 hours. I have been so anxious about something but hey I am getting through it. I had some not so great news dropped on me, so I had to make a huge life adjustment. I have […]

July 2014 TBR Pile

Happy July my friends! I am so beyond excited to try and read these books this month. Check out the list of books in my pile and watch the video to find out why I am so excited to read these books! The Pile: The Shadow Hero by Gene Luen Yang & Sonny Liew (FYI […]

Stacking The Shelves (65) | Book Haul

I am looking forward to the day when I write a little intro and can say, wow, last week was boring and quiet. Alas, that is not the case. There was a lot of leaving the house, a lot of not very optional things that I absolutely cannot delve into on here. As for bookish […]

Stacking The Shelves (64) | Book Haul

Where oh where did this weekend go! Seriously I am like all the way through Sunday and totally not ready for the week to come. It has been a great weekend though — I went to a party, ate a lot of food and read some books. What are you reading this weekend? For Review: […]

Stacking The Shelves (62) & (63) | Book Haul

Friends, this is a two for one book haul post! You see, this post contains what should have been my book haul last weekend and my book haul for THIS weekend. Both are equally totally awesome. One is way shorter than the other, though. The week before last, was a week of few books and […]