Stacking The Shelves (64) | Book Haul

Where oh where did this weekend go! Seriously I am like all the way through Sunday and totally not ready for the week to come. It has been a great weekend though — I went to a party, ate a lot of food and read some books. What are you reading this weekend? For Review: […]

Stacking The Shelves (61) | Book Haul

Oh my goodness, only 2 more days until I go to New York City for BEA. I will be leaving Tuesday morning and will arrive right around dinner time. I absolutely cannot wait! Seriously, I would be excited about this trip even if books were not involved. It is the one time of year where […]

Stacking The Shelves (59)

So, last week wasn’t much to write about. Seriously nothing all that interesting happened! This weekend though, I actually left the house twice and never really had the reading marathon I was hoping for. However, I did end up finishing four books from Friday until Sunday! Yay!  At some point today after work, I will have […]

Stacking The Shelves (54)

Friends, it has been a roller coaster ride of a week. Sunday was a really terrible no good very bad day. I won’t go into detail quite yet, but suffice to say, I’ve never felt more violated as a person. I haven’t really been able to read or focus all week. Friday, finally, for the […]

Stacking The Shelves (53)

What a week! So, the last time I talked to you all, I am pretty sure I was the picture of perfect health. This week, it’s like my whole life caught up with me. I’m perfectly okay with that, however, I am not entirely okay with this illness. I got sick starting Wednesday, but I […]

Top Ten Items On My Bookish Bucket List | Top Five Books For New Readers

Basically because I am on my deathbed (not really, just over-exhausted) I never edited and uploaded a vlog that I made for Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by The Broke And The Bookish) yesterday. I also decided to expand my vlog participation and take part in Top Five Wednesday hosted by Ginger Reads Lainey (you can […]