Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer | Book Review

Letters To The Lost by Brigid Kemmerer is a book that lead to me making a stupid decision. That’s right. I have a newborn and am super sleep deprived. Instead of sleeping when he fell asleep the other night, I stayed up way past my bedtime to finish this book. Without a kid, this wouldn’t […]

Mistletoe And Mr. Right by Lyla Payne | Novella Review

Sometimes what you think would make a great Christmas surprise for someone actually is kind of a not very smart life choice — and that’s essentially the plot in Mistletoe And Mr. Right by Lyla Payne. FYI, it feels weird that when you read this it will be snowing and blustery and cold whereas, I am […]

A Curious Tale Of The In-Between by Lauren DeStefano | Book Review

A Curious Tale Of The In-Between by Lauren DeStefano is a charming and at turns dark middle grade book featuring Pram, a girl who can talk to ghosts.

The Devil You Know by Trish Doller | Book Review

I am pretty positive that it might be impossible for me to dislike a Trish Doller book. Whether she’s writing about soldiers, or kidnapped girls returned home, or girls with wanderlust, I am absolutely a fan of Doller’s. The Devil You Know is her latest book and it is superb. I read this book over a […]

Lady Thief by AC Gaughen | Book Review

I will always love a good Robin Hood story, forever and for always. Of course when everyone was really into Scarlet by AC Gaughen like a few years ago, I was a day late to the party and was like oh that sounds cool but never pursued reading it. At least, not until everyone was losing […]

Allison: The Start of You and Me | Emery Lord | Book Review

As you all may remember, I loved Emery Lord’s debut novel Open Road Summer. So much so that I forced it into the hands of my best friend with the simple instructions of “I don’t care what else you have going on right now, you MUST read this book.” She did and she loved it. […]