Audiobook Review Dump Volume 1

You know how there is that trend on instagram of doing photo dumps? Where you put photos that you haven’t yet posted but don’t really have a logical place for them? So, you just dump them all in one spot. I thought I could utilize that concept with my audiobook reviews. I had quite a […]

The Amber Crown by Jacey Bedford | Book Review

Reading epic fantasy always makes me feel like I am going back to my roots. You can imagine just how excited I was to dive into The Amber Crown by Jacey Bedford. It is a chonk of a book AND a standalone AND aimed at adults. Sign me up right this very second. Over a chilly […]

5 More Verse Books You Must Check Out

5 More Verse Books You MUST Check Out My reading life this year has really run the gamut of genres and story forms. I am so thankful that I’ve been able to pick up and read a sizable amount of verse books. Even better – the majority that I’ve read have been by marginalized authors […]

Deadly Summer Nights by Vicki Delany | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Deadly Summer Nights by Vicki Delany? Deadly Summer Nights by Vicky Delany appealed to me based on the Catskills element. The back cover copy compares the resort this book is set at to the one in Dirty Dancing which is a superb movie. Given my current time limitations, audiobook seemed like […]

Very Sincerely Yours by Kerry Winfrey | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Very Sincerely Yours by Kerry Winfrey? Very Sincerely Yours by Kerry Winfrey is a book that I picked up because I kind of knew what to expect. After all, I’d previously read Waiting For Tom Hanks and Not Like The Movies. More to the point, I’ve only experienced her books via audio. […]

In The Company Of Witches by Auralee Wallace | Book Review

It’s highly possible that In The Company Of Witches by Auralee Wallace may have converted me into becoming a fan of the cozy mystery genre. You see, I don’t typically pick that genre up. However, the whole witches theme caught my interest. So, I gave In The Company of Witches a shot. And I just genuinely loved it. […]