Meet The Frugalwoods by Elizabeth Willard Thames | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Meet The Frugalwoods by Elizabeth Willard Thames? I have read the Frugalwoods blog for years. You see, I like reading about personal finance and about being frugal. Do I believe that skipping a latte will make me set for retirement? No. However, I do think that cutting back in certain […]

The Black Kids by Christina Hammonds Reed | Book Review

The Black Kids by Christina Hammonds Reed has one of my favorite book covers of 2020. As shallow as it sounds, I just knew I had to read this book. Frankly, I am SO glad I picked it up. The Black Kids is an insightful historical fiction book about a Black girl who is coming of age […]

10 Truths And A Dare by Ashley Elston | Book Review

A few Christmases ago, I was completely won over by Ashley Elston’s 10 Blind Dates. I inhaled that book. So, when I saw that there was a companion novel coming out, I just HAD to read it. 10 Truths And A Dare takes places after the events of 10 Blind Dates and guess what? I inhaled this […]

Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson | Book Review

Is there anything so wonderful as a long anticipated book by a favorite author, a book that actually delivers on all your expectations? Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson is a book that I was RAVENOUS to read. Yes, ravenous. No hyperbole here. I love Matson’s books, so much so that I am saving Second Chance […]

An Unexpected Peril by Deanna Raybourn | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To An Unexpected Peril by Deanna Raybourn? Deanna Raybourn’s Veronica Speedwell series is special. An Unexpected Peril is the sixth book in the series, so of course I knew I was going to read it. I have also listened to four out of the five previous books in the series. It was […]

Now That I’ve Found You by Kristina Forest | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Now That I’ve Found You by Kristina Forest? Now That I’ve Found You by Kristina Forest is a contemporary YA book that is not about Black trauma, so I wanted to read it. It’s important to talk up and promote books featuring Black joy, I’ve learned but also really truly […]