Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson | Book Review

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson | Book ReviewTake Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson
Also by this author: Amy and Roger's Epic Detour, Since You've Been Gone, The Unexpected Everything, Promchanted
on May 4, 2021
Pages: 368
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Ferris Bueller meets Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist in this romp through the city that never sleeps from the New York Times-bestselling author of Since You've Been Gone.
Kat and Stevie may be best friends, but they are opposites in almost every way, except for the one that counts: they've both spent the last three years in Stanwich High's theater program, paying their dues. Now that they're seniors, they're ready to race into the future.
But before all that, they're sneaking out to spend a perfect night together in New York City. The plan is to go to the hottest restaurant, see an underground show, and have an adventure along the way.
What isn't in the plan:
Lost phones. A massive fight. A tiny pomeranian named Brad. Losing each other.
Now, alone in New York City without money, without phones, and without one another, Kat and Stevie have to figure out what to do next. But there's a dog to return to its owner, a show to catch, a reservation to make, a party to crash, and a very cute boy to kiss. And if they manage to do all that, they might just find their way back to each other before the clock in Grand Central strikes midnight.

Is there anything so wonderful as a long anticipated book by a favorite author, a book that actually delivers on all your expectations? Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson is a book that I was RAVENOUS to read. Yes, ravenous. No hyperbole here. I love Matson’s books, so much so that I am saving Second Chance Summer for when I desperately need it. Clearly the eARC gods were shining upon me and I was approved for Take Me Home Tonight via Netgalley and I did something unprecedented. I actually READ this book immediately upon finishing my other current read. Y’all, it was absolutely worth breaking my protocol. I LOVED this book and am so glad I picked it right up.

Aside from me singing the Eddie Money Take Me Home Tonight, I don’t wanna let you go until we see the light lyrics every time I would pick this book up or see the title, turns out this book inspired some feelings in me. Matson’s latest book is about what happens when two senior girls – Kat and Stevie – end up in New York City for the night without their cell phones. The two are best friends and members of the school’s theater department. They go to Stanwich High in Connecticut (yes this does connect to other Matson books).

Sneaking away from the suburbs means they’re going to have the best night ever – seeing a play, eating at a famous restaurant and then coming home and not getting caught. Of course, everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Starting with being saddled with a Pomeranian named Brad who is one of my favorite characters from this book. It just keeps getting worse – culminating in the girls splitting up. Will they find their way back to each other?

Meanwhile, back in Connecticut, the two girls have their friend Teri to provide them with an alibi. They plan to stay the night at Teri’s when they get back from the City. So, because Teri lives in a guest house, this should be airtight. Only, as it turns out, we readers see that Teri is having her own adventure too. I know that some people weren’t big fans of the Teri side quest. However, I loved it. Her bits are a little whacky and definitely not believable, but add a fun flavor to the story.

My verdict is that I really loved Take Me Home Tonight. After finishing this book, I did not immediately pick up my next book. Instead I just wanted to sit with and absorb all that I had read. The friendship between Kat and Stevie is so special. I loved that it was really tested in this book. After all, the two get in a fight and say some pretty awful but true things. However, as a result there’s growth and it is beautiful. Also, I loved how even though they were apart, their journeys were kind of similar.

This book has New York City, friendships, romance, parent issues, and even a little bit of a thriller. It is the kind of book that makes me just love reading. I am so glad this book lived up to and exceeded my expectations. Seriously, I cannot wait for you to read this book so that we can talk about it on twitter.

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.

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About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. I love Morgan Matson but I haven’t caught up with her recent releases! This sounds really good so maybe I’ll start with this one and read this first. Love your review!