Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson | Book Review

Is there anything so wonderful as a long anticipated book by a favorite author, a book that actually delivers on all your expectations? Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson is a book that I was RAVENOUS to read. Yes, ravenous. No hyperbole here. I love Matson’s books, so much so that I am saving Second Chance […]

The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson | Book Review

The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson was basically EVERYTHING I DREAMED IT WOULD BE AND MORE. I mean, I started this book like a month or so ago but just wasn’t making any headway or progress with it because I had a few more pressing reads. However, I think my subconscious knew that I would need The […]

Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson | Book Review

In a well ordered universe, you would read Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson. I am pretty solid in my belief that Morgan Matson has written THE contemporary young adult book of the summer. I mean, if you want something a bit lighter than We Were Liars. Full disclosure, I am head over heels in love with […]