Judging by the cover of Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton you would think it was strictly a vampire story, however, you would be wrong. Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton blends paranormal, Greek mythology, dystopia, and romance into a neat little package. Ari Selkirk has teal colored eyes and silver hair, so she’s weird looking. […]
Book Review: Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton
Book Review: Between Here And Forever by Elizabeth Scott

I learned several important things after reading Between Here And Forever by Elizabeth Scott. Number 1) A coma and a persistent vegetative state are not the same thing. Number 2) I am the master at figuring out ‘secrets’ by the 20th page. Number 3) I want to read more Elizabeth Scott, but not for the reasons you might think.
Book Review: Stay by Deb Caletti

FINALLY! Finally it’s happened to me. A book where the creepy relationship is played out as exactly that. Oh, friends, the heavens must have opened and sung a beautiful song while Deb Caletti wrote Stay, because this book straight up gets it. It gets that bad relationships are bad. Obsessive relationships are scary, not sexy. […]
Retro Friday Review: Rats Saw God by Rob Thomas

Retro Friday is a meme hosted by Angieville where you review an older title on Fridays. I love the 90s, bro. Almost as much as the 80s. I grew up in the 90s, or rather, was a child during the 90s, teen during the early 2000s. Rats Saw God by Rob Thomas is a YA […]
Retro Friday Review: Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce

Retro Friday Reviews are hosted by Angie of Angieville. I am pretty sure I needed Alanna in my life when I was in middle school. This would have perfectly complimented my Sailor Moon obsession. (I mean kick ass girls doing kick ass thing). I read a lot of fantasy as a kid. However, most of […]
Review: Choker by Elizabeth Woods

I am on the fence as far as my opinion of Choker by Elizabeth Woods goes. Choker is one of those books that you pick up, finish in about 2 hours, and then think to yourself, what the heck just happened here. We open with a prologue of main character Cara playing with her best […]