I’ve been reading Deb Caletti’s books since I was a young adult myself. Thus, I found myself really looking forward to delving into One Great Lie. I think that Caletti has this spectacular way of exploring issues that affect girls and women in a way that feels realistic. Although certain elements of One Great Lie were a […]
One Great Lie by Deb Caletti | Book Review
5 New YA Contemporary Books To Read

If I am in the mood to read something that I will find instantly absorbing or interesting, I pick up a young adult contemporary book. We are in a time of abundance and quality. Seriously, there are so many great young adult contemporary books coming out and already released that the challenge is really in […]
A Heart In A Body In The World by Deb Caletti | Book Review

A Heart In A Body In The World is the third book I’ve read by Deb Caletti. It is also the third book of hers that I have given five stars to. I think this means I need to just read ALL of her books ever. For once I am kind of glad that the […]
Book Review: Stay by Deb Caletti

FINALLY! Finally it’s happened to me. A book where the creepy relationship is played out as exactly that. Oh, friends, the heavens must have opened and sung a beautiful song while Deb Caletti wrote Stay, because this book straight up gets it. It gets that bad relationships are bad. Obsessive relationships are scary, not sexy. […]