To me, the application of an award seal on a book’s cover instantly makes the book more appealing. I am one of those people who is swayed by the judgment of others and so, when books win awards, I want to read them even if I never made them a priority before. I read In Darkness […]
In Darkness | Nick Lake | Book Review
February 21, 2014
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Bloomsbury, Book Review, Contemporary, multicultural, Nick Lake, Printz Award, Young Adult
Review of Looking For Alaska by John Green
January 12, 2010

As a YA fan I feel a bit ashamed that I have never read any John Green before. As I have 3 copies of Looking For Alaska kicking around my humble abode, I thought it might be prudent to read this Printz award winner, so I can have some street cred as a YA fan. […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Contemporary, John Green, Looking For Alaska, Penguin, Printz Award, Razorbill, Young Adult
Review of How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff
December 28, 2009

How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff is a totally amazing dystopian book. It won a Printz award in 2005. I found How I Live Now to be compelling and impossible to put down until the very end. The protagonist is named Daisy. Essentially Daisy is having some trouble with her father and stepmom in […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Dystopia, Penguin, Printz Award, Young Adult