Why Did I Listen To The Woods Are Always Watching by Stephanie Perkins? I have been a fan of Stephanie Perkins since her debut –Â Anna And The French Kiss. While I am not the biggest horror reader anymore — as I get older I become more of a chicken — I do find myself happy […]
The Woods Are Always Watching by Stephanie Perkins | Audiobook Review
The Year Of The Witching by Alexis Henderson | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To The Year Of The Witching by Alexis Henderson? The Year Of The Witching by Alexis Henderson has a delightfully gothic cover. I wanted to prioritize reading this adult fiction debut. Typically when I want to prioritize something and get to it sooner, rather than later, I listen to the audiobook […]
Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Power | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Burn Our Bodies Down? Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Power was the first ever audiobook that I’ve been approved for via Netgalley. While I am excited about this newer feature, it turns out that I am going to hold off requesting more audiobooks. My experience listening to Burn Our Bodies […]
Autumn Book Picks: Nightstruck

Tis the season for SPOOKY. Nightstruck by Jenna Black certainly meets the mark for a spine chilling read. It is a young adult book featuring a Philadelphia that’s straight out of hell. And there’s no escape. Nightstruck basically opens on a sinister note. Apparently a veil between the worlds has been breached and bait has been […]
Hocus Pocus And The All-New Sequel | AW Jantha | Review

Witch, please! I was actually really excited to get my hands on and read through Hocus Pocus And The All-New Sequel by AW Jantha. Normally I am not a huge fan of movie novelizations. They just are not my thing at all. However, nostalgia hits pretty hard. I am absolutely a child who grew up during […]
City Of Mirrors by Justin Cronin | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To City Of Mirrors by Justin Cronin? City Of Mirrors by Justin Cronin is the FINAL book in the Passage trilogy. Friends, this must be my year for finishing series and trilogies and the like. I am liking this trend with my reading. It is pretty excellent know how something ends […]