The View From Saturday EL Konigsburg Audiobook Review

I love reading award winning books. There’s something that is quite gratifying about reading a book of verified quality. When I saw the Newbery Award winning The View From Saturday by EL Konigsburg in the Audible $5 sale, I immediately snapped it up. One of the other main reasons being that it is set mostly in […]

Forget You Jennifer Echols Book Review

You guys, I get it. I finally get it. I get why so many of my blogger friends think Jennifer Echols is the best thing since sliced bread. I’m pretty sure I picked the wrong Jennifer Echols book to start with, because it turns out that I enjoy her romantic dramas as OMG I wanted to hug […]

Book Review: He’s So Not Worth It by Kieran Scott

Warning: Review of He’s So Not Worth It Contains spoilers for She’s So Dead To Us. He’s So Not Worth It by Kieran Scott is the second in the He’s So/She’s So trilogy. It picks up exactly where She’s So Dead To Us leaves us. In case you missed it: Ally’s dad invests all of her […]

Book Review: Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton

Judging by the cover of Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton you would think it was strictly a vampire story, however, you would be wrong. Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton blends paranormal, Greek mythology, dystopia, and romance into a neat little package. Ari Selkirk has teal colored eyes and silver hair, so she’s weird looking. […]

Review of Fallout by Ellen Hopkins

Every day people make bad decisions. Every day people have to deal with the repercussions of someone else’s bad choice. So, even if your parents aren’t drug addicts, it can be easy to relate to Fallout by Ellen Hopkins, because chances are at least once in your life someone has made a decision which affected you, […]

Review of Crank by Ellen Hopkins

How many of you read Go Ask Alice when you were younger? Well, Crank by Ellen Hopkins is sort of like Go Ask Alice, only 1000x better. Upon finishing Crank, I did not think drugs were cool, whereas when I finished Go Ask Alice I was able to see the appeal of whatever that girl was on. […]