Point Of Retreat by Colleen Hoover | Book Review

I love that there are new adult books that exist where slam poetry is a pivot point around which the book kind of turns. Or at least, where poetry plays a role. Slammed is the first of Colleen Hoover’s series that integrates slam poetry. The sequel, Point Of Retreat, also uses some slam poetry, however, it […]

Allison: Afterworlds | Scott Westerfeld | Book Review

Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld was by far the thickest book I received at BEA 2014. I remember seeing it on the table at the Simon & Schuster booth and thinking to myself “Wow. That is a big book!” It was also a book that a lot of people were buzzing about so I honestly couldn’t […]

We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach | Book Review

To be completely frank with you, as I read Wallach’s debut, I could not help but compare the book with Tumble & Fall by Alexandra Coutts, a novel with a similar premise that came out in 2013, only set on an island instead of Seattle and with three teenage point of views instead of four. Fortunately, We All Looked Up is better than Tumble & Fall but not by much.

Maid Of Deception by Jennifer McGowan | Book Review

If you have the end of a book series syndrome after reading the Grave Mercy books by Robin LaFevers, you should pick up the Maids Of Honor series by Jennifer McGowan to fulfill that void in your life. Maid Of Deception is book two in the series and is just as good as its predecessor.

Compulsion by Martina Boone | Book Review

When I look at the cover of Martina Boone’s YA debut, Compulsion, I immediately think of autumn what with the orange color scheme and all of the leaves on the cover. It’s a cover that actually makes me feel simultaneously peaceful and longing for a pumpkin spice latte, although I will admit it does not take […]

Random by Tom Leveen | Book Review

Anyways. Random appealed to me because the original cover has an iPhone cord looped into a noose and well, that’s really eye catching. Also, it is super short and let’s be honest, short books always appeal to me these days. Frankly though, I was mostly underwhelmed with Random.