I love trying new to me contemporary YA authors. Even more than that? I love when it works out and I absolutely adore what I just read. We Can’t Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon is a solid story about conceptualizing love as a performance and how that can negatively impact one’s relationships. I […]
We Can’t Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon | Book Review
The Golem And The Jinni by Helene Wecker | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To The Golem And The Jinni? The Golem And The Jinni by Helene Wecker is a book that I’ve kind of been in the middle of reading for a wicked long time. I mean, since it came out I’ve started it and just had it on pause. Then one day I […]
Ravensbruck by Sarah Helm | Book Review
I don’t think that it’s easy to write or talk about the Holocaust, to talk about concentration camps and the largest genocide of the twentieth century. It takes a special sensitivity to write about this subject. Sarah Helm brings sensitivity, strong research and solid writing to her latest book, Ravensbruck: Life And Death In Hitler’s Concentration […]
Review of Annexed by Sharon Dogar

Were you assigned Diary of A Young Girl in school? If not, I am willing to bet you know who Anne Frank was and all about the annex. We all know Anne’s ultimate fate,but it doesn’t make her diary any less touching. Knowing the ending doesn’t detract from the emotional impact. Annexed by Sharon Dogar tells the […]
Review of Bending Toward the Sun by Rita Lurie and Leslie Gilbert-Lurie

If the sins of the father are visited upon the son, then are the sorrows of the mother to be carried on by the daughter? Reading Bending Toward The Sun by Leslie Gilbert-Lurie has made me ponder this. Bending Toward The Sun starts out with the narration of Rita, Leslie’s mother. Rita and some of […]
Sarah’s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay | Book Review

Sarah’s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay is a historical fiction novel that follows the interweaving stories of Sarah Starzynski and Julia Jaramond. Sarah is a young Jewish girl who was taken from her Parisan home during the Vel d’Hiv round up. Julia Jaramond is an American journalist living in Paris who comes across Sarah’s story sixty years later. I felt […]