Play Dirty by Lora Leigh | DNF Review

What’s The Story Here? Play Dirty by Lora Leigh is the first of the Tempting Seals: Triton series. Poppy works for some developers as a leasing/property manager. The developers are at the heart of a potential scandal that could destroy earth, I guess. So, Poppy’s crush, Jack, a retired Navy SEAL, moves in near her. […]

You Need To Read These 4 Diverse YA Books

One thing about me is that I am going to shout a lot about OwnVoices and Diverse books. I love that we are in a time where these books and stories are finally getting published and told. These four books — All The Fighting Parts, The Gilded Ones, Everyone Wants To Know, and Eternally Yours cover a multitude […]

Otherworldly by FT Lukens | Book Review

If you read and enjoy cozy speculative fiction, chances are you have come across FT Luken’s work. Otherworldly is the third book I’ve picked up by Lukens and I have to say — I so enjoy the representation. This is a story about crossroads bargains and what happens when a goddess supposedly abandons a region.  Otherworldly honestly […]

Today Tonight Tomorrow and Past Present Future by Rachel Lynn Solomon | Reviews

Young adult contemporary books still have such a grip on me. I fully enjoyed Rachel Lynn Solomon’s duology – Today Tonight Tomorrow and the sequel Past Present Future. These books were captivating and transported me back to a time in my life where I experienced a lot of transition. It was quite easy to be able to […]

Promchanted by Morgan Matson | Book Review

I will pick up any and every book Morgan Matson writes. Promchanted is one of two new Morgan Matson releases this year and I was pretty excited to read it. After all, who doesn’t love books that have a Disney connection? I eagerly picked this book up to kick off that transition into spring-summer reading. Promchanted follows […]

5 Contemporary YA Books With Interesting Premises

I love a good premise — like give me that hook and I am there. These five books all caught my attention for a different reason. We have a paranormal contemporary version of Northanger Abbey. There’s a book that asks what happens when a loved one dies by overdose – and you infiltrate her life and […]