Battle Fatigue | Mark Kurlansky | Book Review

There are some books that strike you right in the conscience. These are the books that make you think and maybe ponder your value system just a little bit. When I opened up Battle Fatigue by Mark Kurlansky, I think I was expecting draft dodgers and maybe a teenager reluctantly going to war. I think I […]

A Death-Struck Year by Makiia Lucier | Book Review

I hate to admit this, but A Death-Struck Year by Makiia Lucier has made me regret those days where I wished for the flu so I could be out of work for a couple of days without touching my vacation time — I always have this cushion of sick time. Lucier’s debut has made me realize […]

Sekret | Lindsay Smith | Book Review

It’s kind of totally awesome and I hope I’ve convinced you that if you have similar taste to me, you need Sekret in your life.

Duke | Kirby Larson | Book Review

Straight up, I am partial to books with dogs on the cover, even though to be honest, they kind of scare me. I get nervous because OMG what if the dog dies? So, y’all, I obtained Duke by Kirby Larson at BEA 2013. It’s a middle grade historical fiction book and of course, there is a German […]

Stay Where You Are And Then Leave by John Boyne | Book Review

John Boyne’s Stay Where You Are And Then Leave is a quiet gem of a book. To me, it does not shout with action or over the top prose, instead it whispers a subtle story of family and love where you lean in to hear and listen just a little bit harder than you normally would. […]

No Good Duke Goes Unpunished | Sarah MacLean | Book Review

When I am on a mini-break from work, I do not want heavy reads. When I am consuming a bottle of wine and decide, HEY LET’S READ A BOOK, I know that I want sexytimes and adults and GOWNS (and yes I totally did tweet that after finishing off a bottle of wine, while reading […]