Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless by Liz Czukas | Book Review

I think I have this new habit of deciding to save whatever Liz Czukas book that crosses my threshold for the most stressful time of my year and then reading it, because her books have this magical way of making me laugh and taking my mind off whatever is bothering me. LIKE THIS WEEKEND! Okay, […]

The Secret Sky by Atia Abawi | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? Sometimes you read something light and when you are done you’re like, yeah that was fun but then you crave a book that’s going to hit you right in your soul. After finishing up a fun middle grade fantasy audiobook, I wanted my next listen to be totally […]

Daughter Of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? After skimming Steph at Cuddlebuggery’s review of Daughter Of Deep Silence on Goodreads, I knew that I just had to read Carrie Ryan’s latest book. For serious, a strong review from someone with great taste in books goes a long way for me. I am also a fan […]

Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? After finishing the audiobook of Encore To An Empty Room by Kevin Emerson, I was on an audiobooks high. And lucky me I had Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli all queued up on my phone and ready to go. Apparently Harper Audio practices witchcraft because I […]

Encore To An Empty Room by Kevin Emerson | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? YOU GUYS! Last year the surprise hitter for me was Exile by Kevin Emerson. I mean, I like books about bands, but I was just not that into his Atlantis books so I was kind of skeptical. Long story short, I fricken LOVED Exile. It was super good and I […]

Point Of Retreat by Colleen Hoover | Book Review

I love that there are new adult books that exist where slam poetry is a pivot point around which the book kind of turns. Or at least, where poetry plays a role. Slammed is the first of Colleen Hoover’s series that integrates slam poetry. The sequel, Point Of Retreat, also uses some slam poetry, however, it […]