This Adventure Ends | The Amateurs | The Rest Of Us Just Live Here

I am actually obsessed with This Adventure Ends by Emma Mills. You know how you can be blase about some books but then others become this total all waking hours consumption? This Adventure Ends was an all waking hours consumption for me. I could not put this book down for the life of me, I even had […]

None Of The Above | Fans Of The Impossible Life | The Word For Yes

None Of The Above by I.W. Gregorio is the first book I’ve ever read about a person who is intersex. I found myself browsing Hoopla and as I am prone to do, I downloaded it. The reason for downloading was that it was on my need to review pile and with my commute, it just […]

The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon | Review + Giveaway

After finishing The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon, I was not quite sure what to do with myself. The book had affected me so profoundly that I could not just immediately pick up the next book and dive right in. I just wanted to bask in the knowledge of a book well written. […]

Playlist For The Dead | Don’t Let Go | The Things You Kiss Goodbye | Mini-Reviews

Hello dearest reader friends! Today’s set of mini reviews have basically one thing in common – they are all published by Harper Teen. Also, I gave them all four stars. Each book had different things that I really enjoyed about it. Two are contemporary books and one is the final book in a trilogy that […]

Anything For You | My Unscripted Life | The Hating Game | MiniReviews

Today’s mini reviews are all about the contemporary romance. Two of the books I’m talking about are aimed at adults and one is a YA books. All three are books that I immensely enjoyed and totally recommend you curl up with. Basically I will always always recommend a Kristan Higgins book if you are looking […]

A Week Of Mondays | Kissing Ted Callahan | Read Bottom Up MINI-REVIEWS

Hello reader friends — I feel like it has been such a long time since I’ve really put effort into blogging. Let me tell you, they were not kidding when they said the first trimester is exhausting. I am finally coming out of the first with only a few short weeks to go. It is […]