Stacking The Shelves (61) | Book Haul

Oh my goodness, only 2 more days until I go to New York City for BEA. I will be leaving Tuesday morning and will arrive right around dinner time. I absolutely cannot wait! Seriously, I would be excited about this trip even if books were not involved. It is the one time of year where […]

Stacking The Shelves (60)

One more week to go until BEA 2014. I am bursting with excitement! This week was Bout Of Books and you know, I did pretty good during the readathon, I read more than I had expected. Other things that have happened in my life include a rain and thunderstorm on Friday that resulted in some […]

Stacking The Shelves (59)

So, last week wasn’t much to write about. Seriously nothing all that interesting happened! This weekend though, I actually left the house twice and never really had the reading marathon I was hoping for. However, I did end up finishing four books from Friday until Sunday! Yay!  At some point today after work, I will have […]

Stacking The Shelves (57)

What a great weekend! Friends, it was the Dewey 24 Hour Readathon this weekend and I read my little heart out. Seriously, I read from 8 a.m. yesterday until 4:45 a.m. this morning. I finished 7 books during the readathon, finished one audiobook afterward, today, and once this is all posted and done, I plan […]

Stacking The Shelves (56)

I am kind of really in love with three day weekends. I wish we had one EVERY week. But in all seriousness, it has not been a bad week. It has been a pretty busy one, but I am thrilled with how fast it went by. I have read 7 books so far in my […]