Vanguard by Ann Aguirre reminds me just how little I read companion books despite actually really liking them. I’ll admit, sometimes it feels like authors milk a series for way more than it’s worth. However, Vanguard was such an interesting return to the world of Razorland. It’s a book that feels fresh and new. Frankly, I […]
Vanguard by Ann Aguirre | Book Review
As Long As You Love Me by Ann Aguirre | Book Review

One thing that I really love about the New Adult series that I am picking up is that each book in these series usually features a different main character, so you aren’t left on a cliffhanger when you finish the book and it isn’t all that necessary to read the books in order. As Long As […]
I Want It That Way by Ann Aguirre | Book Review
Ann Aguirre is a versatile author. I love that she’s not afraid to write in all kinds of different genres. She just kills it too, no matter what genre she tries. I Want It That Way is Aguirre’s first foray into the New Adult genre and the inaugural book of her 2B trilogy. Straight up, I […]
Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre | Book Review

Mortal Danger, Aguirre’s latest young adult book, is actually not a terrible read in my eyes. I have seen a few bloggers divided on the book — some seem to really hate it and some seem to really gel with it. My feelings lay somewhat in the middle of the road when it comes to this tale of Faustian bargains for revenge.
Horde by Ann Aguirre | Book Review

Before reading this review, I suggest you read Enclave and Outpost, the first two books in the Razorland trilogy so that this review of Horde by Ann Aguirre does not spoil you, seeing as how people seem to hate spoilers. Reader friends, I want you to know that Ann Aguirre wraps up the Razorland trilogy perfectly in Horde. I’ll admit, based […]
Outpost | Ann Aguirre | Book Review

Yo, this is a sequel so that means this review will have spoilers of the previous book. Use your brain before reading. K, thanks bye! You guys I am still not over this whole dystopia trend. I am still not over books with zombies and harsh landscapes and brave young heroines. I picked up Outpost by […]