Why Did I Listen To The Confusion Of Languages by Siobhan Fallon? The Confusion Of Languages by Siobhan Fallon appealed to me because it is essentially about two army wives. That is something I can kind of relate to, as my husband is a captain in the National Guard. Granted, I really face absolutely nothing […]
The Confusion Of Languages by Siobhan Fallon | Audiobook Review
The Darkest Part Of The Forest by Holly Black | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To The Darkest Part Of The Forest by Holly Black? The Darkest Part Of The Forest by Holly Black basically caught my interest because Holly Black writes such gorgeously rendered, kind of odd stories. I am not much of a book with fairies/the fey sort of person, but she makes them […]
Playlist For The Dead | Don’t Let Go | The Things You Kiss Goodbye | Mini-Reviews

Hello dearest reader friends! Today’s set of mini reviews have basically one thing in common – they are all published by Harper Teen. Also, I gave them all four stars. Each book had different things that I really enjoyed about it. Two are contemporary books and one is the final book in a trilogy that […]
Torn Away by Jennifer Brown | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Torn Away by Jennifer Brown? Torn Away by Jennifer Brown has the sort of summary that immediately catches your attention. Prior to Torn Away, I had only read one book by Jennifer Brown - A Thousand Words. I was not a huge fan, but I am always willing to give authors another […]
The Ghosts Of Tupelo Landing by Sheila Turnage | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? Last year the audiobook of Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage showed up at my house unsolicited. As it was a short audiobook and middle grade which I have a soft spot for, I listened to the book. I found myself unexpectedly won over by the intrepid Mo LoBeau […]