I Was Here is Forman’s latest offering to the young adult genre and it is a brilliant contribution. Forman’s latest book is just as serious as her previous books, but somehow feels a bit different. It feels a little more mature.
I Was Here by Gayle Forman | Book Review
Random by Tom Leveen | Book Review
Anyways. Random appealed to me because the original cover has an iPhone cord looped into a noose and well, that’s really eye catching. Also, it is super short and let’s be honest, short books always appeal to me these days. Frankly though, I was mostly underwhelmed with Random.
Cracked by KM Walton | Book Review
I have had Cracked by KM Walton in my TBR pile for an obnoxious amount of time, at least two years which is totally unreasonable as it is so short and the type of book I love to read. You see, Cracked is a contemporary young adult book that takes on a pretty serious subject matter. It’s […]
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock | Matthew Quick | Book Review
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick is one hell of a book. I read Quick’s latest young adult book on my iPhone in the span of two days. I legit could not put my phone down for a second, it was so good. In fact, at one juncture, when the book slashed my heart […]
Thirteen Reasons Why Jay Asher Retro Friday Book Review
Retro Friday Book Reviews are hosted by Angieville. Basically you review an out-of-printer, underrated, or older title on Fridays. Pretty much this feature ROCKS. I love reading books that have received a lot of attention. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher published in 2007 still garners reviews in the book blogosphere. I’m not sure what […]
Book Review: Stay by Deb Caletti
FINALLY! Finally it’s happened to me. A book where the creepy relationship is played out as exactly that. Oh, friends, the heavens must have opened and sung a beautiful song while Deb Caletti wrote Stay, because this book straight up gets it. It gets that bad relationships are bad. Obsessive relationships are scary, not sexy. […]